
Kit de plaquettes en céramique de tambour de Rotors d'étrier de frein à disque avant et arrière (8 pièces) pour Honda Civic

Brand: Transit Auto

Partie #: KC8-100809T

Partie: Étrier de frein à disque

Description du produit: Kit de disques et plaquettes de frein

Marque: Véhicules de transport en commun

Position: Devant et derrière

Inclus (8 pièces) :

  • 2x avant (des deux côtés)
  • 2x rotor de frein à disque avant (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique (matériel inclus)
  • 2x tambour de frein arrière (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de patins de frein à tambour arrière

Description complète: En tant que leader du secteur, CMX propose des solutions de freinage inégalées qui redéfinissent les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité de votre véhicule. CMX propose une gamme complète de composants de freins de pointe, méticuleusement conçus pour répondre aux demandes des clients en matière de freins de véhicules. Des plaquettes, disques et étriers de frein haute performance aux tambours de frein durables, aux cylindres de roue de frein fiables, aux mâchoires de frein de pointe et aux kits de freins pratiques, CMX a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour élever le système de freinage de votre véhicule. Nous offrons les plus hauts standards de qualité et de fiabilité pour vos besoins de freinage, vous permettant de conduire en toute confiance, précision et tranquillité d'esprit.


  • Les nouveaux étriers CMX sont fabriqués selon les normes rigoureuses des pièces d'origine pour garantir une performance parfaite pendant toute la durée de vie du véhicule.
  • L'acier moulé exclusif G3000 à flux thermique donne à nos rotors l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Formule exclusive en céramique haute densité pour une puissance de freinage et un silence optimaux. Notre formule offre une puissance de freinage inégalée par temps chaud ou froid avec une durée de vie optimale des plaquettes
  • Le matériau de friction TQ OE-matched donne à nos mâchoires de frein l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Fabriqué en fonte G3000 pour augmenter la résistance de l'étrier et fournir une pression résistante aux contraintes sur la plaquette de frein
  • Fabriqué avec plusieurs alliages pour une dissipation thermique et des performances améliorées
  • Les cales caoutchoutées double couche de qualité supérieure réduisent les vibrations responsables du bruit.
  • Le meulage de précision maximise le contact entre la friction et le tambour
  • COMPREND : 2x CMX avant (des deux côtés) + 2x rotor de frein à disque avant de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique TEC (matériel inclus) + 2x tambour de frein arrière de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x tambour arrière de qualité supérieure Jeu de mâchoires de frein
  • Variantes du kit : K8A-105731 K8A-106014 K8C-103205 K8C-103216 K8F-103781 K8F-103794 K8S-103697 K8S-103711 K8T-104198 K8T-104211 KC8-100810P KC8-1008 21S KC8-100850C KC8-100859S KC8-100871C KC8- 100875P KC8-100950T KC8-101480N KC8-101610N KCG-100376S KCG-

Numéro de pièce d'échange : 19A1833 2C-1833 19-P1833 19-B1833 BC40085 SC1820 99-00929B FRT RH/LH 10-05248-1 FRC10694N FRC10694C FRC10694 CN2204 CN2212 19A1832 2C- 1832 19-P1832 19-B1832 BC40086 SC1819 99-00929A FRT LH/RH 10-05247-1 FRC10693N FRC10693C FRC10693 CN2203 CN2211 AG3295 3295 YH141471C YH141471 120.40021 121.40021 BR3295 HO-556 24886087 4886087 74886087 61982 Q3295 96087 AHO1003 BD61982 948A D948A 7998 8502 7497 SG7497AM SG8502X AD7497 AD7497A PF7497AM PF7497AX PF7497M PF7497X PF8502X QE 7497AM QE7497X QE8502X SG7497X SS7497AM SS7497X SS8502X UP7497AM UP7497AX UP7497X D948 948 SCD948 AG35094 35094 YH140746C YH140746 122.40014 123.40014 BD35094 BD920140 HOD-56 4401780 12 5769 Q35094 9724 BD125769 576 NB576 576B

Année Faire Modèle Garniture Note Type de corps Type de lecteur Litre Aspiration
2005 Honda Civique Si Avec 4 roues à ergots Coupé Tous 1.7 Tous
2004 Honda Civique Si Avec 4 roues à ergots Coupé Tous 1.7 Tous
$401.00 $284.00

Kit de tampons en céramique de tambour de Rotor d'étrier de frein avant et arrière (8 pièces) pour Chevrolet Sonic RS

Brand: Transit Auto

Partie #: KC8-100802T

Partie: Étrier de frein à disque

Description du produit: Kit de disques et plaquettes de frein

Marque: Véhicules de transport en commun

Position: Devant et derrière

Inclus (8 pièces) :

  • 2x avant (des deux côtés)
  • 2x rotor de frein à disque avant (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique (matériel inclus)
  • 2x tambour de frein arrière (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de patins de frein à tambour arrière

Description complète: En tant que leader du secteur, CMX propose des solutions de freinage inégalées qui redéfinissent les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité de votre véhicule. CMX propose une gamme complète de composants de freins de pointe, méticuleusement conçus pour répondre aux demandes des clients en matière de freins de véhicules. Des plaquettes, disques et étriers de frein haute performance aux tambours de frein durables, aux cylindres de roue de frein fiables, aux mâchoires de frein de pointe et aux kits de freins pratiques, CMX a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour élever le système de freinage de votre véhicule. Nous offrons les plus hauts standards de qualité et de fiabilité pour vos besoins de freinage, vous permettant de conduire en toute confiance, précision et tranquillité d'esprit.


  • Les nouveaux étriers CMX sont fabriqués selon les normes rigoureuses des pièces d'origine pour garantir une performance parfaite pendant toute la durée de vie du véhicule.
  • L'acier moulé exclusif G3000 à flux thermique donne à nos rotors l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Formule exclusive en céramique haute densité pour une puissance de freinage et un silence optimaux. Notre formule offre une puissance de freinage inégalée par temps chaud ou froid avec une durée de vie optimale des plaquettes
  • Le matériau de friction TQ OE-matched donne à nos mâchoires de frein l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Fabriqué en fonte G3000 pour augmenter la résistance de l'étrier et fournir une pression résistante aux contraintes sur la plaquette de frein
  • Fabriqué avec plusieurs alliages pour une dissipation thermique et des performances améliorées
  • Les cales caoutchoutées double couche de qualité supérieure réduisent les vibrations responsables du bruit.
  • Le meulage de précision maximise le contact entre la friction et le tambour
  • COMPREND : 2x CMX avant (des deux côtés) + 2x rotor de frein à disque avant de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique TEC (matériel inclus) + 2x tambour de frein arrière de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x tambour arrière de qualité supérieure Jeu de mâchoires de frein
  • Variantes du kit : K8A-100102 K8A-100103 K8A-101382 K8A-101383 K8A-101384 K8A-101385 K8A-105050 K8A-105051 K8A-105469 K8A-105470 K8C-102941 3 K8S-102599 K8T-102912 KC8-100763S KC8- 100797P KC8-100867C KC8-100871S KC8-100883C KC8-100887T KC8-1008

Numéro de pièce d'échange : 18A5308 2C-5308 18-P5308 18-B5308 BC62202 SC1197 99-17430A FRT LH 11-26089-1 FRC12319N FRC12319C FRC12319 CN1509 18A5309 2C-5309 18. -P5309 18-B5309 BC62201 SC1198 99-17430B AVANT DROIT 11- 26090-1 FRC12320N FRC12320C FRC12320 CN1510 AR90145 YH507462C YH527280C YH507462 YH527280 120.62142 120.62148 121.62142 121.62148 BR901406 55217 2488821504 488821504 7488821504 901406 940942 650010 650016 Q1581025 581025 581034 AGM1031 BD180687 8667 8730 8697 SG8667M SG 8697X PF8667M PF8697X QE8667M QE8697X SS8667M SS8697X D1522 1522 SCD1522 AD90745 YH421770C YH421770 122.62041 123.62041 BD920176 85188 4406753 920176 950075 690011 Q197841 97841 AGM1023 BD180704 1011 NB1011 1011B

Année Faire Modèle Garniture Note Type de corps Type de lecteur Litre Aspiration
2014 Chevrolet Sonique RS Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2013 Chevrolet Sonique RS Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
$518.00 $367.00

Kit de plaquettes en céramique pour étriers de frein avant et arrière, 8 pièces, pour Chevrolet Sonic

Brand: Transit Auto

Partie #: KC8-100801T

Partie: Étrier de frein à disque

Description du produit: Kit de disques et plaquettes de frein

Marque: Véhicules de transport en commun

Position: Devant et derrière

Inclus (8 pièces) :

  • 2x avant (des deux côtés)
  • 2x rotor de frein à disque avant (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique (matériel inclus)
  • 2x tambour de frein arrière (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de patins de frein à tambour arrière

Description complète: En tant que leader du secteur, CMX propose des solutions de freinage inégalées qui redéfinissent les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité de votre véhicule. CMX propose une gamme complète de composants de freins de pointe, méticuleusement conçus pour répondre aux demandes des clients en matière de freins de véhicules. Des plaquettes, disques et étriers de frein haute performance aux tambours de frein durables, aux cylindres de roue de frein fiables, aux mâchoires de frein de pointe et aux kits de freins pratiques, CMX a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour élever le système de freinage de votre véhicule. Nous offrons les plus hauts standards de qualité et de fiabilité pour vos besoins de freinage, vous permettant de conduire en toute confiance, précision et tranquillité d'esprit.


  • Les nouveaux étriers CMX sont fabriqués selon les normes rigoureuses des pièces d'origine pour garantir une performance parfaite pendant toute la durée de vie du véhicule.
  • L'acier moulé exclusif G3000 à flux thermique donne à nos rotors l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Formule exclusive en céramique haute densité pour une puissance de freinage et un silence optimaux. Notre formule offre une puissance de freinage inégalée par temps chaud ou froid avec une durée de vie optimale des plaquettes
  • Le matériau de friction TQ OE-matched donne à nos mâchoires de frein l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Fabriqué en fonte G3000 pour augmenter la résistance de l'étrier et fournir une pression résistante aux contraintes sur la plaquette de frein
  • Fabriqué avec plusieurs alliages pour une dissipation thermique et des performances améliorées
  • Les cales caoutchoutées double couche de qualité supérieure réduisent les vibrations responsables du bruit.
  • Le meulage de précision maximise le contact entre la friction et le tambour
  • COMPREND : 2x CMX avant (des deux côtés) + 2x rotor de frein à disque avant de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique TEC (matériel inclus) + 2x tambour de frein arrière de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x tambour arrière de qualité supérieure Jeu de mâchoires de frein
  • Variantes du kit : K8A-105048 K8A-105049 K8C-102555 K8F-103204 K8S-103338 K8T-103560 KC8-100762S KC8-100798P KC8-100866C KC8-101465N KC8-101466N

Numéro de pièce d'échange : 18A5308 2C-5308 18-P5308 18-B5308 BC62202 SC1197 99-17430A FRT LH 11-26089-1 FRC12319N FRC12319C FRC12319 CN1509 18A5309 2C-5309 18. -P5309 18-B5309 BC62201 SC1198 99-17430B AVANT DROIT 11- 26090-1 FRC12320N FRC12320C FRC12320 CN1510 AR90095 55185 YH321761C YH321761 120.62130 121.62130 BR900920 55215-D 55215 2488821035 48882 1035 7488821035 900920 Q55185 580770 BD180439 8667 8730 8697 SG8667M SG8697X PF8667M PF8697X QE8667M QE8697X SS8667M SS8697X D1522 1522 22 AD90745 YH421770C YH421770 122.62041 123.62041 BD920176 85188 4406753 920176 950075 690011 Q197841 97841 AGM1023 BD180704 1011 NB1011 1011B

Année Faire Modèle Garniture Note Type de corps Type de lecteur Litre Aspiration
2017 Chevrolet Sonique Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2016 Chevrolet Sonique Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2015 Chevrolet Sonique Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2014 Chevrolet Sonique LTZ Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2014 Chevrolet Sonique LT Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2014 Chevrolet Sonique LS Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2013 Chevrolet Sonique LTZ Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2013 Chevrolet Sonique LT Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2013 Chevrolet Sonique LS Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2012 Chevrolet Sonique Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
$492.00 $348.00

Kit de plaquettes en céramique pour étriers de frein avant et arrière, 8 pièces, pour Chevrolet Cruze

Brand: Transit Auto

Partie #: KC8-100800T

Partie: Étrier de frein à disque

Description du produit: Kit de disques et plaquettes de frein

Marque: Véhicules de transport en commun

Position: Devant et derrière

Inclus (8 pièces) :

  • 2x avant (des deux côtés)
  • 2x rotor de frein à disque avant (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique (matériel inclus)
  • 2x tambour de frein arrière (des deux côtés)
  • 1x jeu de patins de frein à tambour arrière

Description complète: En tant que leader du secteur, CMX propose des solutions de freinage inégalées qui redéfinissent les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité de votre véhicule. CMX propose une gamme complète de composants de freins de pointe, méticuleusement conçus pour répondre aux demandes des clients en matière de freins de véhicules. Des plaquettes, disques et étriers de frein haute performance aux tambours de frein durables, aux cylindres de roue de frein fiables, aux mâchoires de frein de pointe et aux kits de freins pratiques, CMX a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour élever le système de freinage de votre véhicule. Nous offrons les plus hauts standards de qualité et de fiabilité pour vos besoins de freinage, vous permettant de conduire en toute confiance, précision et tranquillité d'esprit.


  • Les nouveaux étriers CMX sont fabriqués selon les normes rigoureuses des pièces d'origine pour garantir une performance parfaite pendant toute la durée de vie du véhicule.
  • L'acier moulé exclusif G3000 à flux thermique donne à nos rotors l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Formule exclusive en céramique haute densité pour une puissance de freinage et un silence optimaux. Notre formule offre une puissance de freinage inégalée par temps chaud ou froid avec une durée de vie optimale des plaquettes
  • Le matériau de friction TQ OE-matched donne à nos mâchoires de frein l'équilibre idéal entre traction et dureté et offre une usure constante, une longue durée de vie et un fonctionnement silencieux.
  • Fabriqué en fonte G3000 pour augmenter la résistance de l'étrier et fournir une pression résistante aux contraintes sur la plaquette de frein
  • Fabriqué avec plusieurs alliages pour une dissipation thermique et des performances améliorées
  • Les cales caoutchoutées double couche de qualité supérieure réduisent les vibrations responsables du bruit.
  • Le meulage de précision maximise le contact entre la friction et le tambour
  • COMPREND : 2x CMX avant (des deux côtés) + 2x rotor de frein à disque avant de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x jeu de plaquettes de frein avant en céramique TEC (matériel inclus) + 2x tambour de frein arrière de qualité supérieure (des deux côtés) + 1x tambour arrière de qualité supérieure Jeu de mâchoires de frein
  • Variantes du kit : KC8-100780S KC8-100865C KC8-100871P KC8-101463N KC8-101464N KCG-100391S KCG-100392P KCG-100403T KCG-100420C KCG-101431N KCG-101432N

Numéro de pièce d'échange : 18A5308 2C-5308 18-P5308 18-B5308 BC62202 SC1197 99-17430A FRT LH 11-26089-1 FRC12319N FRC12319C FRC12319 CN1509 18A5309 2C-5309 18. -P5309 18-B5309 BC62201 SC1198 99-17430B AVANT DROIT 11- 26090-1 FRC12320N FRC12320C FRC12320 CN1510 AR90095 55185 YH321761C YH321761 120.62130 121.62130 BR900920 55215-D 55215 2488821035 48882 1035 7488821035 900920 Q55185 580770 BD180439 8667 8730 8697 SG8667M SG8697X PF8667M PF8697X QE8667M QE8697X SS8667M SS8697X D1522 1522 22 AD90655 80132 YH321759C YH321759 122.62040 123.62040 BD920154 85100 4406732 920154 Q80132 97812 BD180492 992 NB992 992B

Année Faire Modèle Garniture Note Type de corps Type de lecteur Litre Aspiration
2016 Chevrolet Cruze Limitée Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2015 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous 1.8 Tous
2015 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous 1.4 Tous
2014 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous 1.8 Tous
2014 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous 1.4 Tous
2013 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2012 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
2011 Chevrolet Cruze Tous Aucun Tous Tous Tous Tous
$514.00 $364.00

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pad Kit (8Pc) For Honda Accord 2.4L

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100797T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100779C KC8-100852S KC8-100857P KC8-101457N KC8-101458N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2668 2C-2668 19-P2668 19-B2668 BC40076 SC3821 99-00944A FRT LH 10-05305-1 FRC11423N FRC11423C FRC11423 N/A 19A2669 2C-2669 19-P2669 19-B2669 BC40075 SC3822 99-00944B FRT RH 10-05306-1 FRC11424N FRC11424C FRC11424 AG31257 31257 YH145232C YH145232 120.40036 121.40036 BR31257 HO-574 24886711 4886711 74886711 125669 Q31257 96711 BD125669 8392 7857 SG7857X PF7857X AD7857 QE7857X SS7857X UP7857X D959 959 SCD959 AG35067 AG35103 35120 35067 35103 YH140758C YH140814C YH140758 YH140814 YH140702 YH140702C 122.40012 123.40012 BD35067 BD35103 HOD-58 HOD-74 4406577 4401730 4401803 125659 Q35067 9786 9653 9750 BD125659 BD126210 BD126415 627 NB627 627B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2006 Honda Accord All Vehicles Built For Canadian Market All All 2.4 All
2005 Honda Accord All Vehicles Built For Canadian Market All All 2.4 All
2004 Honda Accord All Vehicles Built For Canadian Market All All 2.4 All
2003 Honda Accord All Vehicles Built For Canadian Market All All 2.4 All
$432.00 $306.00

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drums Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Toyota Corolla

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100796T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • Kit Variations: K8A-100341 K8A-105201 K8C-103145 K8C-103147 K8F-103725 K8F-103730 K8T-104129 K8T-104130 KC8-100777P KC8-100858C KC8-101456N KCG-100402T KCG-100421P KCG-100437C KCG-101417N KGA-104237 KGA-104354 KGC-102283 KGC-102284 KGF-102734 KGF-102

Interchange Part No.: 19A3434 2C-3434 19-P3434 19-B3434 BC44164 SC1195 99-01710A FRT LH 10-06513-1 FRC12167N FRC12167C FRC12167 CN3919 19A3435 2C-3435 19-P3435 19-B3435 BC44163 SC1196 99-01710B FRT RH 10-06514-1 FRC12168N FRC12168C FRC12168 CN3920 N/A YH653395C YH653395 120.44206 121.44206 BR901758 TO-6172 248882491 48882491 748882491 901758 950267 610090 Q1982491 982491 9421 SG9421X PF9421X AD9421 D2176 2176 SCD2176 AD74575 35122 YH275181C YH275181 122.44050 123.44050 BD920146 TOD-86 TOD-88 4406693 4406696 920146 Q35122 9788 BD180362 BD180369 945 NB945 945B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2019 Toyota Corolla All None All All 2.0 All
$467.00 $330.00

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drums Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Toyota Corolla

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100795T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • Kit Variations: K8A-100343 K8A-100344 K8A-105198 K8A-105199 K8C-102174 K8C-102569 K8F-102141 K8F-103304 K8S-102165 K8S-103446 K8T-102506 K8T-103746 KC8-100778P KC8-100854S KC8-100857C KC8-101454N KC8-101455N KCG-100390S KCG-100401T KCG-100420P KCG-10

Interchange Part No.: 19A3434 2C-3434 19-P3434 19-B3434 BC44164 SC1195 99-01710A FRT LH 10-06513-1 FRC12167N FRC12167C FRC12167 CN3919 19A3435 2C-3435 19-P3435 19-B3435 BC44163 SC1196 99-01710B FRT RH 10-06514-1 FRC12168N FRC12168C FRC12168 CN3920 AG31505 31505 YH274911C YH274911 120.44160 121.44160 BR900570 TO-6164 248880629 48880629 748880629 900570 Q31505 980629 BD126544 8969 8330 SG8330X PF8330X AD8330 QE8330X SS8330X D1210 1210 SCD1210 AD74575 35122 YH275181C YH275181 122.44050 123.44050 BD920146 TOD-86 TOD-88 4406693 4406696 920146 Q35122 9788 BD180362 BD180369 945 NB945 945B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2019 Toyota Corolla All None All All 1.8 All
2018 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2017 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2016 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2015 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2014 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2013 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2012 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2011 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2010 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
2009 Toyota Corolla All None All All All All
$459.00 $325.00

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100793T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100828S KC8-100830C KC8-100840P KC8-101449N KCG-100388S KCG-100399T KCG-100410P KCG-100416C KCG-101349N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2974 2C-2974 19-P2974 19-B2974 BC33136 SC1941 99-03342A FRT LH 10-02587-1 FRC12213N FRC12213C FRC12213 CN4008 19A2975 2C-2975 19-P2975 19-B2975 BC33135 SC1942 99-03342B FRT RH 10-02588-1 FRC12214N FRC12214C FRC12214 CN4007 AR43005 34491 34501 YH312974C YH326332C YH312974 YH326332 120.33132 121.33132 BR901074 VW-288 248882957 48882957 748882957 901074 Q34501 980929 980948 AVW1026 BD180523 7635 7860 7709 SG7709M PF7635M AD7709 PF7709M QE7709M SS7635X SS7709M SS7709X UP7635M UP7635X UP7709X D768A 768A SCD768A AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 All
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 All
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor Sedan All 2.0 All
$504.00 $357.00

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100792T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set00
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100830S KC8-100833C KC8-100842P KC8-101450N KC8-101451N KCG-100387S KCG-100398T KCG-100405P KCG-100411C KCG-101351N KCG-101355N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2974 2C-2974 19-P2974 19-B2974 BC33136 SC1941 99-03342A FRT LH 10-02587-1 FRC12213N FRC12213C FRC12213 CN4008 19A2975 2C-2975 19-P2975 19-B2975 BC33135 SC1942 99-03342B FRT RH 10-02588-1 FRC12214N FRC12214C FRC12214 CN4007 AG34279 34279 YH145639C YH145639 120.33098 125.33098 121.33098 225.33098 BR900468 VW-281 248880383 48880383 748880383 900468 Q34279 980383 BD126476 1107B D1107B 8686 8760 8212 SG8212M SG8760X AD8212 AD8760 PF8212M PF8212X PF8760X QE8212M QE8760X SS8212M SS8760X UP8212M D1107 1107 SCD1107 AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 All
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 All
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor Sedan All 2.0 All
$543.00 $385.00
2011 2012 Volkswagen VW 4Motion Motion Jetta 2.0L GAS engine Naturally Aspirated Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100791T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100827S KC8-100831C KC8-100839P KC8-101446N KCG-100386S KCG-100397T KCG-100411P KCG-100415C KCG-101350N

Interchange Part No.: 19NB2110 N/A wo BRACKET 19-2110 N/A C1923 97-03320A FRT LH 10-02583-1 FRC11065N FRC11065C FRC11065 CN4003 19NB2111 19-2111 C1924 97-03320B FRT RH 10-02584-1 FRC11066N FRC11066C FRC11066 CN4004 AR43005 34491 34501 YH312974C YH326332C YH312974 YH326332 120.33132 121.33132 BR901074 VW-288 248882957 48882957 748882957 901074 Q34501 980929 980948 AVW1026 BD180523 7635 7860 7709 SG7709M PF7635M AD7709 PF7709M QE7709M SS7635X SS7709M SS7709X UP7635M UP7635X UP7709X D768A 768A SCD768A AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Naturally Aspirated
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 All
$441.00 $312.00
2011 2012 Volkswagen VW 4Motion Motion Jetta 2.0L GAS engine Naturally Aspirated Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100790T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set00
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100825S KC8-100837C KC8-100837P KC8-101444N KC8-101445N KCG-100385S KCG-100396T KCG-100408P KCG-100413C KCG-101354N KCG-101358N

Interchange Part No.: 19NB2110 N/A wo BRACKET 19-2110 N/A C1923 97-03320A FRT LH 10-02583-1 FRC11065N FRC11065C FRC11065 CN4003 19NB2111 19-2111 C1924 97-03320B FRT RH 10-02584-1 FRC11066N FRC11066C FRC11066 CN4004 AG34303 34303 YH145682C YH145682 120.33110 121.33110 BR900412 VW-280 248880456 48880456 748880456 126323 Q34303 980456 BD126323 1107B D1107B 8686 8760 8212 SG8212M SG8760X AD8212 AD8760 PF8212M PF8212X PF8760X QE8212M QE8760X SS8212M SS8760X UP8212M D1107 1107 SCD1107 AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Naturally Aspirated
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 All
$462.00 $327.00
2011 2012 Volkswagen VW 4Motion Motion Jetta 2.0L GAS engine Naturally Aspirated Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100789T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set00
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100829S KC8-100834C KC8-100841P KC8-101447N KC8-101448N KCG-100384S KCG-100395T KCG-100406P KCG-100410C KCG-101352N KCG-101356N

Interchange Part No.: 19NB2110 N/A wo BRACKET 19-2110 N/A C1923 97-03320A FRT LH 10-02583-1 FRC11065N FRC11065C FRC11065 CN4003 19NB2111 19-2111 C1924 97-03320B FRT RH 10-02584-1 FRC11066N FRC11066C FRC11066 CN4004 AG34279 34279 YH145639C YH145639 120.33098 125.33098 121.33098 225.33098 BR900468 VW-281 248880383 48880383 748880383 900468 Q34279 980383 BD126476 1107B D1107B 8686 8760 8212 SG8212M SG8760X AD8212 AD8760 PF8212M PF8212X PF8760X QE8212M QE8760X SS8212M SS8760X UP8212M D1107 1107 SCD1107 AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Naturally Aspirated
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 All
$480.00 $340.00
2011 2012 Volkswagen VW 4Motion Motion Jetta 2.0L Turbocharged GAS engine Wagon DIESEL Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100788T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100826S KC8-100829C KC8-100838P KC8-101443N KCG-100383S KCG-100394T KCG-100409P KCG-100414C KCG-101348N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2974A 2C-2974A 19-P2974A 19-B2974A N/A SC1941-1 SC1941-2 99-03364A FRT LH 10-02587A-1 FRC12215N FRC12215C FRC12215 CN4009 19A2975A 2C-2975A 19-P2975A 19-B2975A SC1942-1 SC1942-2 99-03364B FRT RH 10-02588A-1 FRC12216N FRC12216C FRC12216 CN4010 AR43005 34491 34501 YH312974C YH326332C YH312974 YH326332 120.33132 121.33132 BR901074 VW-288 248882957 48882957 748882957 901074 Q34501 980929 980948 AVW1026 BD180523 7635 7860 7709 SG7709M PF7635M AD7709 PF7709M QE7709M SS7635X SS7709M SS7709X UP7635M UP7635X UP7709X D768A 768A SCD768A AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Turbocharged
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 280mm Diameter Front Rotor Wagon All All All
$505.00 $357.00
2011 2012 Volkswagen VW 4Motion Motion Jetta 2.0L Turbocharged GAS engine Wagon DIESEL Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100787T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set00
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100824S KC8-100835C KC8-100836P KC8-101441N KC8-101442N KCG-100382S KCG-100393T KCG-100407P KCG-100412C KCG-101353N KCG-101357N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2974A 2C-2974A 19-P2974A 19-B2974A N/A SC1941-1 SC1941-2 99-03364A FRT LH 10-02587A-1 FRC12215N FRC12215C FRC12215 CN4009 19A2975A 2C-2975A 19-P2975A 19-B2975A SC1942-1 SC1942-2 99-03364B FRT RH 10-02588A-1 FRC12216N FRC12216C FRC12216 CN4010 AG34303 34303 YH145682C YH145682 120.33110 121.33110 BR900412 VW-280 248880456 48880456 748880456 126323 Q34303 980456 BD126323 1107B D1107B 8686 8760 8212 SG8212M SG8760X AD8212 AD8760 PF8212M PF8212X PF8760X QE8212M QE8760X SS8212M SS8760X UP8212M D1107 1107 SCD1107 AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Turbocharged
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor Wagon All All All
$526.00 $372.00

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100786T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set00
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100822S KC8-100834P KC8-100836C KC8-101439N KC8-101440N KCG-100381S KCG-100392T KCG-100404P KCG-100409C KCG-101345N KCG-101347N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2974 2C-2974 19-P2974 19-B2974 BC33136 SC1941 99-03342A FRT LH 10-02587-1 FRC12213N FRC12213C FRC12213 CN4008 19A2975 2C-2975 19-P2975 19-B2975 BC33135 SC1942 99-03342B FRT RH 10-02588-1 FRC12214N FRC12214C FRC12214 CN4007 AG34303 34303 YH145682C YH145682 120.33110 121.33110 BR900412 VW-280 248880456 48880456 748880456 126323 Q34303 980456 BD126323 1107B D1107B 8686 8760 8212 SG8212M SG8760X AD8212 AD8760 PF8212M PF8212X PF8760X QE8212M QE8760X SS8212M SS8760X UP8212M D1107 1107 SCD1107 AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 All
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 All
2012 Volkswagen Beetle All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 Naturally Aspirated
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.5 All
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 288mm Diameter Front Rotor Sedan All 2.0 All
$525.00 $372.00
2011 2012 Volkswagen VW 4Motion Motion Beetle Jetta 2.0L Turbocharged DIESEL engine GAS Wagon Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For Volkswagen Jetta

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100785T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (With Sensor) (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set00
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100823S KC8-100832C KC8-100835P KC8-101437N KC8-101438N KCG-100380S KCG-100391T KCG-100403P KCG-100408C KCG-101344N KCG-101346N

Interchange Part No.: 19A2974A 2C-2974A 19-P2974A 19-B2974A N/A SC1941-1 SC1941-2 99-03364A FRT LH 10-02587A-1 FRC12215N FRC12215C FRC12215 CN4009 19A2975A 2C-2975A 19-P2975A 19-B2975A SC1942-1 SC1942-2 99-03364B FRT RH 10-02588A-1 FRC12216N FRC12216C FRC12216 CN4010 AG34279 34279 YH145639C YH145639 120.33098 125.33098 121.33098 225.33098 BR900468 VW-281 248880383 48880383 748880383 900468 Q34279 980383 BD126476 1107B D1107B 8686 8760 8212 SG8212M SG8760X AD8212 AD8760 PF8212M PF8212X PF8760X QE8212M QE8760X SS8212M SS8760X UP8212M D1107 1107 SCD1107 AD43515 35151 YH322247C YH322247 122.33020 123.33020 BD920164 VWD-48 4406739 920164 Q35151 97824 BD180427 999 NB999 999B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Turbocharged
2012 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Turbocharged
2012 Volkswagen Beetle All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor All All 2.0 Turbocharged
2011 Volkswagen Jetta All With 312mm Diameter Front Rotor Wagon All All All
$544.00 $385.00
1997 Chevrolet Chevy C1500 Suburban GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotor Drum Ceramic Pad Shoe Cylinder & Hardware Kit For

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100779T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (11 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 2x Rear Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings iron and aluminum give our wheel cylinders the ideal balance between tensile and hardness
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: K8A-105677 K8A-105678 K8C-102976 K8F-103145 K8S-103184 K8T-103487 KC8-100758S KC8-100769C KC8-100773P KC8-101431N KC8-101432N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8972 8972 YH140540C YH140540 122.66020 123.66020 BD8972 4401479 61823 Q8972 2572 BD61823 473 NB473 473B 34047 WC14047 W37781 WC37781 WC116359 7276 H7276 HW7276 H7196

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1997 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 10" Diameter Drum All All All All
$653.00 $462.00
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Dodge Mopar Hemi Pentastar Trailrated Stow n go Daytona Ram 1500 RWD Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotor Drum Ceramic Pad Shoe Cylinder & Hardware Kit For

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100778T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (11 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 2x Rear Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings iron and aluminum give our wheel cylinders the ideal balance between tensile and hardness
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: K8A-105339 K8A-105340 K8A-105387 K8A-105388 K8A-105663 K8A-105664 K8C-102755 K8C-102782 K8C-102978 K8F-102181 K8F-103156 K8F-103414 K8S-102207 K8S-103186 K8S-103491 K8T-102558 K8T-103489 K8T-103777 KC8-100737S KC8-100752S KC8-100756C

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5357 5357 YH141921C YH141921 120.67028 121.67028 BR5357 53150 24886446 74886446 4886446 125390 Q5357 76446 BD125390 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG80009 80009 YH140660C YH140660 122.67025 123.67025 BD80009 83150 4401692 125394 Q80009 9563 BD125394 462 NB462 462B 34102 WC14102 W37985 WC37985 WC131225 7208 H7152 H7208 HW7150 HW7208 H7028 H7205

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1999 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1998 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1997 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1995 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1994 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
$634.00 $449.00
1995 1996 1997 GMC GM General Motors Yukon RWD GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pad Shoe Hardware Kit For GMC Yukon

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100775T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (9 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: K8A-105350 K8A-105353 K8C-102727 K8F-102155 K8S-102180 K8T-102533 KC8-100757S KC8-100759C KC8-100765P KC8-101409N KC8-101410N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8972 8972 YH140540C YH140540 122.66020 123.66020 BD8972 4401479 61823 Q8972 2572 BD61823 473 NB473 473B 7191 H7046 H7191 HW7046 H7217

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1997 GMC Yukon All With 11" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1996 GMC Yukon All With 11" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1995 GMC Yukon All With 11" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
$620.00 $439.00
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 GMC GM General Motors Yukon RWD GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pad Shoe Hardware Kit For GMC Yukon

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100774T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (9 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100733S KC8-100746C KC8-100752P KC8-100756S KC8-100758C KC8-100764P KC8-100765T KC8-101391N KC8-101392N KC8-101407N KC8-101408N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8972 8972 YH140540C YH140540 122.66020 123.66020 BD8972 4401479 61823 Q8972 2572 BD61823 593 NB593 593B 7276 H7276 HW7276 H7196

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1997 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1996 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1995 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1994 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1993 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1992 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
$615.00 $436.00
1992 1993 1994 GMC GM General Motors Yukon RWD GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pad Shoe Hardware Kit For GMC Yukon

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100773T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (9 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100732S KC8-100745C KC8-100753P KC8-100755S KC8-100757C KC8-100763P KC8-100764T KC8-101393N KC8-101394N KC8-101405N KC8-101406N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8973 8973 YH140541C YH140541 122.66021 123.66021 BD8973 4401480 61832 Q8973 2586 BD61832 593 NB593 593B 7276 H7276 HW7276 H7196

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1994 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1993 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1992 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
$612.00 $433.00
1998 Chevrolet Chevy C1500 Suburban GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Shoe And Hardware Kit For

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100772T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (9 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100754S KC8-100762C KC8-100762P KC8-101415N KC8-101416N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8945 8945 YH140449C YH140449 122.66015 123.66015 BD8945 8945C 4401366 60727 Q8945 8024 BD60727 473 NB473 473B 7055 H7055 HW7055

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1998 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 13" Diameter Drum All All All All
$759.00 $537.00
1997 1998 Chevrolet Chevy C1500 Suburban GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Shoe And Hardware Kit For

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100771T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (9 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100753S KC8-100761P KC8-100763C KC8-101417N KC8-101418N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8972 8972 YH140540C YH140540 122.66020 123.66020 BD8972 4401479 61823 Q8972 2572 BD61823 473 NB473 473B 7276 H7276 HW7276 H7196

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1998 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 10" Diameter Drum All All All All
1997 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 10" Diameter Drum All All All All
$625.00 $442.00
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Dodge Mopar Hemi Pentastar Trailrated Stow n go Daytona Ram 1500 RWD Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors Drum Ceramic Pads Shoe And Hardware Kit For

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100770T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (9 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set +
  • Kit Variations: K8A-105339 K8A-105340 K8A-105387 K8A-105388 K8A-105663 K8A-105664 K8C-102755 K8C-102782 K8C-102978 K8F-102181 K8F-103156 K8F-103414 K8S-102207 K8S-103186 K8S-103491 K8T-102558 K8T-103489 K8T-103777 KC8-100737S KC8-100752S KC8-100756C

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5357 5357 YH141921C YH141921 120.67028 121.67028 BR5357 53150 24886446 74886446 4886446 125390 Q5357 76446 BD125390 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG80009 80009 YH140660C YH140660 122.67025 123.67025 BD80009 83150 4401692 125394 Q80009 9563 BD125394 462 NB462 462B 7208 H7152 H7208 HW7150 HW7208 H7028 H7205

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1999 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1998 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1997 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1995 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1994 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
$606.00 $429.00
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 GMC GM General Motors Yukon RWD GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors Drums Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For GMC Yukon

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100765T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set0
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100733S KC8-100746C KC8-100752P KC8-100756S KC8-100758C KC8-100764P KC8-100774T KC8-101391N KC8-101392N KC8-101407N KC8-101408N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8972 8972 YH140540C YH140540 122.66020 123.66020 BD8972 4401479 61823 Q8972 2572 BD61823 593 NB593 593B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1997 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1996 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1995 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1994 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1993 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1992 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
$595.00 $421.00
1992 1993 1994 GMC GM General Motors Yukon RWD GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Rotors Drums Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For GMC Yukon

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100764T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set0
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100732S KC8-100745C KC8-100753P KC8-100755S KC8-100757C KC8-100763P KC8-100773T KC8-101393N KC8-101394N KC8-101405N KC8-101406N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8973 8973 YH140541C YH140541 122.66021 123.66021 BD8973 4401480 61832 Q8973 2586 BD61832 593 NB593 593B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1994 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1993 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1992 GMC Yukon All With 10" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
$592.00 $419.00
1998 1999 Chevrolet GMC Chevy GM General Motors C1500 Suburban GAS engine Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotor Drum Ceramic Pad Kit (8Pc) For C1500 Suburban GMC

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100763T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set0
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100735S KC8-100750P KC8-100751C KC8-101387N KC8-101388N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8945 8945 YH140449C YH140449 122.66015 123.66015 BD8945 8945C 4401366 60727 Q8945 8024 BD60727 473 NB473 473B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1999 GMC C1500 Suburban All With 13" Diameter Drum All All All All
1998 GMC C1500 Suburban All With 13" Diameter Drum All All All All
1998 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 13" Diameter Drum All All All All
$741.00 $524.00
1995 1996 1997 1998 Chevrolet GMC Chevy GM General Motors C1500 Suburban Yukon GAS engine RWD Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotors Drums Ceramic Pads Kit (8Pc) For GMC Yukon C1500

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100762T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set0
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100734S KC8-100747C KC8-100749P KC8-101385N KC8-101386N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG8972 8972 YH140540C YH140540 122.66020 123.66020 BD8972 4401479 61823 Q8972 2572 BD61823 473 NB473 473B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1997 GMC Yukon All With 11" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1996 GMC Yukon All With 11" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1995 GMC Yukon All With 11" Diameter Drum All RWD All All
1998 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 10" Diameter Drum All All All All
1997 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 10" Diameter Drum All All All All
$604.00 $428.00
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Dodge Mopar Hemi Pentastar Trailrated Stow n go Daytona Ram 1500 RWD Aperçu rapide

Front Rear Brake Caliper Rotor Drum Ceramic Pad Kit (8Pc) For Dodge Ram 1500 RWD

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100761T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front and Rear

Included (8 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • 2x Rear Brake Drum (Both Side)
  • 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Top Quality Brake Drum (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set0
  • Kit Variations: K8A-105339 K8A-105340 K8A-105387 K8A-105388 K8A-105663 K8A-105664 K8C-102755 K8C-102782 K8C-102978 K8F-102181 K8F-103156 K8F-103414 K8S-102207 K8S-103186 K8S-103491 K8T-102558 K8T-103489 K8T-103777 KC8-100737S KC8-100752S KC8-100756C

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5357 5357 YH141921C YH141921 120.67028 121.67028 BR5357 53150 24886446 74886446 4886446 125390 Q5357 76446 BD125390 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369 AG80009 80009 YH140660C YH140660 122.67025 123.67025 BD80009 83150 4401692 125394 Q80009 9563 BD125394 462 NB462 462B

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1999 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1998 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1997 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1995 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1994 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
$592.00 $419.00
1996 Chevrolet Chevy Express 2500 Aperçu rapide

Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit With Calipers For Chevrolet Express 2500

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100752T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100729S KC8-100731P KC8-100735C KC8-101370N KC8-101371N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5598 5598 YH141818C YH141818 120.66027 121.66027 BR5598 55598 24886263 4886263 74886263 125212 Q5598 56263 BD125212 7339 7721 7260 SG7260X SG7339X AD7260 FT7260 FT7339 PF7260M PF7339M QE7260M QE7260X QE7339M QE7339X SG7260M SG7339M SS7260M SS7260X SS7339M SS7339X UP7260X UP7339X D370 370 SCD370

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1996 Chevrolet Express 2500 All With 8 Lug Wheels All All All All
$464.00 $328.00
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Chevrolet GMC Chevy GM General Motors C2500 Express 2500 Aperçu rapide

Front Brake Rotor & Ceramic Pad Kit With Calipers For C2500 Chevrolet GMC Express 2500

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100751T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100728S KC8-100730P KC8-100734C KC8-101368N KC8-101369N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG55026 55026 YH145107C YH145107 120.66035 121.66035 BR55026 55810 24886579 4886579 74886579 125592 Q55026 56579 BD125592 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1998 GMC C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1997 GMC C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1996 GMC C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1995 GMC C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1994 GMC C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1998 Chevrolet C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1997 Chevrolet C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1996 Chevrolet Express 2500 All With 6 Lug Wheels All All All All
1996 Chevrolet C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1995 Chevrolet C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
1993 Chevrolet C2500 All With 7200 Lb GVW All All All All
$382.00 $270.00
1992 1993 1994 Chevrolet GMC Chevy GM General Motors C1500 Suburban Aperçu rapide

Front Disc Brake Rotors Ceramic Pad Kit With Calipers For C1500 Chevrolet GMC Suburban

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100750T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100727S KC8-100733C KC8-100733P KC8-101366N KC8-101367N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5594 5571 5594 YH141830C YH141830 120.66011 121.66011 BR5594 55594 24886004 74886004 4886004 125205 Q5594 8004 BD125205 BD61815 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1994 GMC C1500 All None All All All All
1993 GMC C1500 All None All All All All
1992 GMC C1500 All With 10" Rear Drum Brakes All All All All
1994 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
1993 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
1992 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 10" Rear Drum Brakes All All All All
1992 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
$381.00 $269.00
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Chevrolet GMC Chevy GM General Motors C1500 Suburban Express 1500 Savana Tahoe Yukon GAS engine RWD Aperçu rapide

Front Brake Rotor Ceramic Pad Kit With Calipers For Chevrolet C1500 GMC Tahoe Suburban

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100749T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • Kit Variations: KC8-100726S KC8-100729P KC8-100732C KC8-101364N KC8-101365N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5595 5595 YH141829C YH141829 120.66025 121.66025 BR5595 55595 24886258 4886258 74886258 125206 Q5595 56258 BD125206 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2002 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
2001 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
2000 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
1999 GMC Yukon All Without Police Package All RWD All All
1999 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
1999 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1999 GMC C1500 All With Single Piston Calipers All All All All
1998 GMC Yukon All Without Police Package All RWD All All
1998 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
1998 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1998 GMC C1500 All None All All All All
1997 GMC Yukon All None All RWD All All
1997 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
1997 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1997 GMC C1500 All None All All All All
1996 GMC Yukon All None All RWD All All
1996 GMC Savana 1500 All None All All All All
1996 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1996 GMC C1500 All None All All All All
1995 GMC Yukon All None All RWD All All
1995 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1995 GMC C1500 All None All All All All
1994 GMC Yukon All None All RWD All All
1994 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1993 GMC Yukon All None All RWD All All
1993 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1992 GMC Yukon All None All RWD All All
1992 GMC C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
2002 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
2001 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
2000 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
1999 Chevrolet Tahoe All Without Police Package All RWD All All
1999 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
1999 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With Single Piston Calipers All All All All
1999 Chevrolet C1500 All With Single Piston Calipers All All All All
1998 Chevrolet Tahoe All Without Police Package All RWD All All
1998 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
1998 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1998 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
1997 Chevrolet Tahoe All None All RWD All All
1997 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
1997 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1997 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
1996 Chevrolet Tahoe All None All RWD All All
1996 Chevrolet Express 1500 All None All All All All
1996 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1996 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
1995 Chevrolet Tahoe All None All RWD All All
1995 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1995 Chevrolet C1500 All None All All All All
1994 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1993 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All None All All All All
1992 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban All With 11-5/32" Rear Drum Brakes All All All All
$376.00 $266.00
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Dodge Mopar Hemi Pentastar Trailrated Stow n go Daytona Ram 1500 RWD Aperçu rapide

Front Disc Brake Rotors Ceramic Pad Kit With Calipers For 1994-1999 Dodge Ram 1500 RWD

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100748T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • Kit Variations: K8A-100039 K8A-100040 K8C-102702 K8F-100707 K8S-100739 K8T-100760 KC8-100725S KC8-100731C KC8-100732P KC8-101362N KC8-101363N

Interchange Part No.: 18NB4300 N/A wo BRACKET 18-4300 N/A C1535 97-17263B FRT RH/LH 11-20177-1 FRC4418N FRC4418C FRC4418 18NB4299 18-4299 C1536 97-17263A FRT LH/RH 11-20178-1 FRC4417N FRC4417C FRC4417 AG5357 5357 YH141921C YH141921 120.67028 121.67028 BR5357 53150 24886446 74886446 4886446 125390 Q5357 76446 BD125390 7659 7259 SG7259BX PF7259BX AD7259B FT7259B PF7259BM QE7259BM QE7259BX SG7259BM SS7259BM SS7259BX UP7259BX D369 369 SCD369

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
1999 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1998 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1997 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1995 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
1994 Dodge Ram 1500 All None All RWD All All
$377.00 $267.00

Front Brake Rotors & Ceramic Pad Kit With Calipers For Ford F-250 Super Duty F-350 RWD

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100743T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • Kit Variations: K8A-100059 K8A-100060 K8C-102679 K8F-100701 K8S-100730 K8T-100753 KC8-100720S KC8-100724C KC8-100728P KC8-101346N KC8-101347N

Interchange Part No.: 18A5023 2C-5023 18-P5023 18-B5023 BC65074 SC1389 99-17936B FRT LH 11-24001-1 FRC11904N FRC11904C FRC11904 CN1920 18A5022 2C-5022 18-P5022 18-B5022 BC65073 SC1390 99-17936A FRT RH 11-24002-1 FRC11903N FRC11903C FRC11903 CN1919 AG54160 54160 YH246558C YH246558 120.65121 121.65121 BR900362 54445 248880640 48880640 748880640 900362 Q54160 680640 BD126464 7974 SG7974AM SS7974AM FT7974A QE7974AM UP7974AM D1631 1631 SCD1631

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2011 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2011 Ford F-250 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2010 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2009 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2009 Ford F-250 Super Duty All None All RWD All All
2008 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty All None All RWD All All
$737.00 $521.00

Front Brake Rotors & Ceramic Pad Kit With Calipers For Ford F-250 Super Duty F-350 RWD

Brand: Transit Auto

Part #: KC8-100742T

Part: Disc Brake Caliper

Product Description: Disc Rotors and Brake Pads Kit

Brand: Transit Auto

Position: Front

Included (5 pcs):

  • 2x Front Calipers (Both Side)
  • 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side)
  • 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)

Full Description: As a leader in the industry, CMX delivers unrivaled braking solutions that redefine performance, reliability, and safety for your vehicle. CMX offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge brake components meticulously engineered to meet the demands of vehicle brake customers. From high-performance brake pads, rotors and calipers, to durable brake drums, reliable brake wheel cylinders, state-of-the-art brake shoes and convenient brake kits, CMX has everything you need to elevate your vehicle's braking system. We delivers the highest standards of quality and reliability for your braking needs, enabling you to drive with confidence, precision, and peace of mind.


  • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
  • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings steel give our rotors the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
  • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
  • Made of G3000 Cast Iron to increase caliper strength and provide stress-resistant pressure to the braking pad
  • Manufactured with multiple alloys for improved heat dissipation and performance
  • Premium dual-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
  • Premium Zinc Coating provides an unmatched rust and corrosion protection
  • Double disc ground finish eliminates lateral run-out and DTV (disk thickness variation) issues on the rotor and improves pad-rotor bed-in
  • INCLUDES: 2x Front CMX (Both Side) + 2x Front Top Quality Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic TEC Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
  • Kit Variations: K8A-100030 K8A-100031 K8C-102680 K8F-100695 K8S-100724 K8T-100746 KC8-100719S KC8-100723C KC8-100727P KC8-101344N KC8-101345N

Interchange Part No.: 18A5023 2C-5023 18-P5023 18-B5023 BC65074 SC1389 99-17936B FRT LH 11-24001-1 FRC11904N FRC11904C FRC11904 CN1920 18A5022 2C-5022 18-P5022 18-B5022 BC65073 SC1390 99-17936A FRT RH 11-24002-1 FRC11903N FRC11903C FRC11903 CN1919 AG54129 54129 YH200397C YH200397 120.65116 121.65116 BR900564 54428 248880306 48880306 748880306 126213 Q54129 680306 BD126213 7974 SG7974M PF7974M FT7974 QE7974M SS7974M UP7974M D1069 1069 SCD1069

Year Make Model Trim Note Body Type Drive Type Liter Aspiration
2007 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2007 Ford F-250 Super Duty All None All RWD All All
2006 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2006 Ford F-250 Super Duty All None All RWD All All
2005 Ford F-350 Super Duty All With Single Rear Wheels All RWD All All
2005 Ford F-250 Super Duty All None All RWD All All
$729.00 $516.00
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